hire colleagues Michael Yates, Terry Pearce and Karen Lockyer
Annette Withrington of Kent-based operator Chalkwell has set herself the task of visiting 250 schools in the region. She has made over 70 visits already and is reportedly receiving ‘extremely positive’ feedback from the schools which are mainly primary, but also include secondary.
Annette said: “These days schools cannot just book a trip – they have to fill out forms. That is where our specialism comes in because we can help and advise. With the schools I have visited so far on behalf of Chalkwell I have been given the opportunity to put names to faces which is important.
“I am promoting Chalkwell to schools which haven’t used us in the past and encouraging them to consider the range of services the company provides. We are getting across the message that we are one of the top coach operators in the county.”
On her school visits she takes a BUSK DVD which explains school bus safety designed to help schools with risk assessment and safety.
Throughout June, Chalkwell’s School Liaison Officer Terry Pearce and team members have had appointments to visit senior schools in Sittingbourne to meet parents and give out literature. They will also be recommending that September’s new starters use the bus to travel to school.