Dartford Crossing introduces Dart Charge from late November
The Highways Agency has announced that new payment arrangements will now come into effect at the Dartford Crossing during late November.
The Highways Agency has announced that new payment arrangements will now come into effect at the Dartford Crossing during late November.
DFDS Seaways has announced a route closure consultation on the twice-daily Portsmouth to Le Havre ferry service. The announcement follows a meeting with its union representatives in the Extraordinary Works Council in France.
National Express has launched a brand new coach service from The University of Bristol to London. The coaches run directly from the University’s Stoke Bishop campus which houses 2,500 freshers.
Unique stretcher lift installed in ‘Jumbulance’ service in UK and France A Mobility Networks company PLS has successfully engineered and installed a unique stretcher lift to a medical coach built by King Long.
Bakers Dolphins donated a coach to Teenage Cancer Trust so that young people with cancer from the South West of England could go on an exciting trip to Longleat Safari and Adventure Park.
Design drawings have been released depicting what Plymouth’s new coach station could look like, the Plymouth Herald reported.
Cambridgeshire County Council has backed plans for a £30m bypass for Ely, though the final go-ahead must be given by a secretary of state.
The UK Coach Rally returns to April for 2015 on the 18 and 19. Once again, it is being hosted by Alton Towers Resort.
Escorted tour operator Leger Holidays has announced it will be launching a new design of coach next year, which it claims will be the first of its kind to be used by a holiday company […]
Nominations now open for popular competition The seventh annual competition for the UK Coach Awards (UKCA) has officially gots underway, with an updated set of criteria, new promotional material and updated illustrations. Nominations are […]
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