London engine idling continues to be targeted

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Transport for London (TfL) has announced new measures aimed at reducing pollution.

A No Engine Idling campaign will in the main target taxi drivers using some of the Capital’s busiest roads but will also address coach, bus and truck operators.

So-called eco-marshalls will be monitoring some of London’s busiest taxi and mini-cab ranks and courses will be offered, designed to discourage driving which leads to heavy emissions. The measures are funded by the government’s Clean Air Fund.

TfL say the new measures could reduce local pollution levels of PM10 by 10-20% where applied. Taxis account for a quarter of the total pollution, 15% of which is created by taxi engines left on while idle.

TfL’s managing director for Surface Transport has also written to coach, bus and freight operators to encourage drivers to switch off engines while stationary.

TfL also confirmed plans to introduce 300 more hybrid buses by 2012 through two £5m government Green Bus Fund Grants but said the roll out of more hybrids beyond that point would depend on the availability of funding, manufacturer prices falling and increase in production volumes.

Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London plans to reduce PM10 pollution by a third by 2015, a target which includes the work of the Clean Air Fund.