The UK Bus Awards is delighted to announce Norman Baker MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, has accepted an invitation to be the guest of honour at the UK Bus Awards Presentation Ceremony on Tuesday 29 November.
Mr Baker will deliver the keynote address at the ceremony, and also announce the winner of the first award to be presented on the day – so kicking off the sixteenth annual presentation of the awards.
UK Bus Awards chairman John Owen commented: “We are delighted the Minister is able to join us for the second time on November 29. He will again to help us to recognise and reward excellence and good practice throughout the UK Bus Industry.”
He added: “Ministerial recognition of the hard work that staff at all levels put in to serving our customers is an important element of our annual celebration. We’re very grateful to Mr Baker for finding time in his busy schedule to be with us.”
The Presentation Ceremony will be held at the London Hilton Hotel at lunchtime on Tuesday, November 29. Winners will be selected from a short-list of 99 people, projects and organisations that was announced at an event in Nottingham in September.
More details of the awards can be found at www.ukbusawards.org.uk