Order will take the number of Scania Touring deliveries to 55 within only a year of the first Touring HD landing in the UK
Milton Keynes-based Omega Travel Limited has ordered a further 10 Scania Touring tri-axle coaches in what is the largest single order placed by a UK operator for the Scania Touring product.
The vehicles are all based on Scania’s K410 SCR-only chassis and are fitted with 57 reclining seats, centre toilet, drinks machine, DVD player, two monitors and Durabright alloy wheels. The coaches come with Scania’s two-year repair and maintenance package as standard.
Explaining the reasons for ordering more Tourings, Omega Travel Operations Director Ian Huang said: “We have been extremely happy with the Scania Tourings we purchased in 2015. The response from both passengers and drivers has been excellent. With this in mind, it made choosing vehicles for this season easy.”
The order will take the number of Scania Touring deliveries to 55 within only a year of the first Touring HD landing in the UK. The majority of deliveries have been the tri-axle 6×2*4 13.7m model, but with the first two-axle 4×2 12.1m versions entering service this season, the growth of the product in the UK is expected to continue and expectations of close to 100 being registered by this time next year.
Martin West, General Manager – Retail Sales Bus & Coach at Scania (Great Britain) Limited told CBW: “Product training continues for the complete vehicle, and very soon there will be a Scania Touring handover app launched. Available for download to devices from Apple’s App Store and Google Play, it will include detailed video footage on the vehicle functions – and follows on from the successful launch of the Scania truck handover app. This hugely beneficial piece of technology will look to be developed on all Scania new bus and coach products in the future.”
Asked about the availability of Touring coaches, Martin replied: “Four Tourings are available for July delivery – two tri-axles and a pair of two-axle models.
“The next small batch of Tourings, a mixture of two and three-axle models, are due in the last quarter of the year. Their specification will differ slightly in that they will include at-seat USB ports and some other refinements.”
Martin also revealed the UK’s first Scania Touring to be equipped with a side-mounted wheelchair lift is due to arrive in the UK “by late summer.” The Dhollondia CH101 cassette lift is to be mounted over the drive axle.
Looking ahead, Martin enthused: “Plans are well underway for early 2017 deliveries. The demonstration vehicle is booked up for the rest of the year, for which we are receiving fantastic reviews from both operators and passengers.”