Arena Travel MD praises the reliability and performance of Volvo Coaches and the Volvo sales team
London-based Arena Travel cited product reliability as a key influencing factor in its decision to purhcase a new Volvo B9R 13-metre coach with Sunsundegui bodywork.
Having previously owned both a Volvo B12B and B10M coach and found them to be reliable, the London operator decided to invest in Volvo again. “We had our B12B Volvo coach for seven years with hardly any mechanical issues,” explained Arena Travel’s David Burrows.
“In deciding to purchase a new vehicle, we looked at the options available in the market and decided the key for us as an operator was that Volvo offered us the reassurance of reliability and performance. We’ve had extremely positive experiences with every Volvo coach we’ve had previously, so it seemed a logical choice to purchase this new vehicle on the Volvo chassis.
“Jo Standbridge, Volvo Bus Regional Coach Sales Manager, was very knowledgeable about the entire product range and the options available to us as an operator. The process of purchasing a new vehicle is made so much easier when you are liaising with someone like Jo.”
Arena Travel’s new B9R coach features the rear mounted Volvo D9B 9.4-litre engine, capable of 380bhp. The diesel engine is connected to the highly acclaimed Volvo I-Shift 12-speed fully automated gearbox and Volvo says the result is a lightweight and versatile coach, with excellent driveability.
The vehicle features 55 passenger seats with leather headrests and 3-point safety belts. It also includes an onboard toilet, entertainment system including two TV monitors and CD/DVD player and servery with inbuilt refrigerator.
It is expected that the new B9R coach will be used on Arena Travel’s school contracts, as well as on their UK tour programme.
“Arena Travel is an operator which has been impressed with the Volvo product and service they’ve received in the past,” explained Jo Standbridge. “That positive experience has directly led to this latest vehicle sale – a new Volvo B9R Sunsundegui coach.
“We’re also exploring further vehicle upgrade options which maybe suitable for Arena Travel, as we continue to support them in their ongoing fleet upgrade.”