Skegness Seasiders bring passenger boost
The re-launch of the open-top Skegness Seafront service has seen Stagecoach East Midlands reap the rewards with a year on year increase of 14.6%, the company has revealed.
The re-launch of the open-top Skegness Seafront service has seen Stagecoach East Midlands reap the rewards with a year on year increase of 14.6%, the company has revealed.
Stagecoach CEO heavily critical of concessionary fares scheme and regulation plans Stagecoach’s shares saw a reported 9% drop after it reported a slowdown in profit.
Stagecoach North East has launched 25 WiFi-enabled Alexander Dennis Enviro300s, part of a £3.5m investment by the company.
‘Big five’ bus operators agree to work together in what is being described as biggest smart-ticketing initiative ever in the UK Britain’s biggest bus operators announced on November 3 plans to launch London-style smart ticketing […]
Stagecoach in East Kent launched its first ever Stagecoach Gold bus service on Friday, October 31.
A Labour government would give more control over deregulated bus service to local authorities, says Ed Miliband A Labour government would pass an English Devolution Act, transferring control of over £30bn worth of funding to […]
Members of the North East Combined Authority reject operators’ partnership proposal and vote for franchising. Gareth Evans reports In a move which could signal the biggest changes to the way buses operate across Tyne & […]
Liverpool City Council has chosen to remove all but four of the city’s bus lanes, a move which has drawn criticism from Stagecoach.
Nine operators benefit form £3.7m of funding, including First, Stagecoach and Lothian Buses The Scottish Government has allocated £3.7m of the Scottish Green Bus Fund (GBF), to help fund 83 new buses.
Large number of new appointments made after a 50% growth in passenger numbers in Europe Stagecoach Group announced that it has strengthened the management team at its business with a number of new appointments […]
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