First Bristol reintroduces short-hop
First has reintroduced its £1 ‘3 Stop Hop’ ticket in Bristol following widespread public requests during the week of fare consultation events in Bristol last month.
First has reintroduced its £1 ‘3 Stop Hop’ ticket in Bristol following widespread public requests during the week of fare consultation events in Bristol last month.
FirstGroup is providing London’s Air Ambulance with £100k worth of support over four years.
FirstGroup is re-structuring its operations in the South West of England and Wales with an emphasis on a more localised management team.
Campaign focuses on convenience, value for money and environmental benefits to promote bus travel Greener Journeys is launching a major drive to get the public out of cars and onto the bus.
Go-Ahead achieves highest ever score of 97%, while First improved on its silver status with 93% for its UK and North American operations Both FirstGroup and Go-Ahead have been recognised in Business in the Community’s […]
First has introduced hybrid buses to routes 75 and 76 (Maidenhead/ Slough – Heathrow), which started operating on Saturday, April 20.
First Northampton has given notice of further service withdrawls in the town, which come into effect on June 9, with Stagecoach stepping in to provide replacement services.
The group has effectively exited the capital as part of its ongoing strategy to reposition its UK Bus division After months of speculation, FirstGroup announced the sale of eight of its London bus depots on […]
One route is withdrawn and two have been allowed modifications, although two further changes were blocked The Competition Commission (CC) has provisionally allowed FirstGroup to withdraw one bus service and modify two other services in […]
USA As part of the American School Bus Council’s (ASBC) Love the Bus Month, a campaign designed to raise awareness and appreciation for school bus drivers, First Student, an American subsidiary of FirstGroup, has recognised […]
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