TfL board asked to approve 200 further New Routemasters
Transport for London (TfL) is considering the purchase of a further 200 New Routemaster buses and is looking to improve ventilation on the fleet.
Transport for London (TfL) is considering the purchase of a further 200 New Routemaster buses and is looking to improve ventilation on the fleet.
Reports suggest First has proposed its own ‘New Bus for Leeds’ project FirstGroup has unveiled plans aimed at delivering greater benefits than the proposed and controversial NGT (New Generation Transport) trolleybus scheme and at a […]
TfL has confirmed the third and fourth routes in the capital to be served by the iconic New Bus for London (NBfL) will be the 9 and 390.
TfL has issued performance figures for its NBfL. For some time Boris Johnson has been describing it as ‘four times more efficient’ than other hybrids although no official data has been available to the media. […]
HRH Prince Harry and Prime Minister David Cameron kicked off the GREAT Britain Campaign global tour on Tuesday, May 14, for which TfL has leant two NBfLs.
The average price of the new bus over the life of the contract will be £354,500, which TfL says includes inflation TfL has confirmed the final costs for the purchase of 600 New Bus for […]
London’s route 24 will become the first bus route in the capital to be served entirely by a fleet of Borismasters.
Driver of first and last bendy bus sees the Citaro artics bow out Matthew Wooll, revenue and marketing manager at First Berkshire, drove the last ever bendy bus service in London on its 207 operation, […]
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