New Plaxton Elites for Stagecoach East Scotland’s Xpress service
Stagecoach East Scotland has invested £3.12m in a fleet of new coaches for the company’s St Andrews to Edinburgh Xpress service.
Stagecoach East Scotland has invested £3.12m in a fleet of new coaches for the company’s St Andrews to Edinburgh Xpress service.
Scotland’s strict new drink-drive limit could be cut even further for lorry, coach and bus drivers.
Nine operators benefit form £3.7m of funding, including First, Stagecoach and Lothian Buses The Scottish Government has allocated £3.7m of the Scottish Green Bus Fund (GBF), to help fund 83 new buses.
Extra peak summer journeys now running to cater for tourist traffic
Payments to be made every four weeks, instead of quarterly Changes to the way the Bus Services Operators Grant (BSOG) is issued in Scotland will come into effect at the start of next month.
The Scottish Government is making around £2m available this financial year for round four of its Green Bus Fund, which should help fund the procurement of a further 20-25 ‘green’ vehicles.
County MSP Iain Gray has announced an extension of the consultation period on his Bus Regulation Bill proposal – taking the date for responses to October 11 as opposed to August 30.
A new, independent body is being established in Scotland which aims to drive up standards in bus travel and put the needs of bus passengers at the heart of transport policy.
One route is withdrawn and two have been allowed modifications, although two further changes were blocked The Competition Commission (CC) has provisionally allowed FirstGroup to withdraw one bus service and modify two other services in […]
Driver is hailed for his quick thinking and heroic actions when he came across a car accident Bus Driver Steven Godfrey, 41, from Bonchester Bridge (just outside Hawick) has been awarded a ‘Superstar’ award by […]
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