Stagecoach’s Simplibus raises money for Cancer Research UK
Stagecoach’s Grimsby Simplibus has celebrated its first anniversary by inviting people to a Christmas-themed birthday party on one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
Stagecoach’s Grimsby Simplibus has celebrated its first anniversary by inviting people to a Christmas-themed birthday party on one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
Regional and London bus operations see operating profits fall, but rail profits more than triple Stagecoach has revealed interim financial results for the six months ended October 31.
The smartcards of Go North East, Stagecoach North East and Arriva in the area will all be usable on each other’s services Smart, multi-operator ticketing launched in the north east of England on Monday, December […]
The coach and bus industry has been battling through severe weather over the last few days as Storm Desmond hit the north of the UK.
The Forth Road Bridge has been closed since Thursday, December 3, after a defect in the steelwork of the tower was found during an inspection, the BBC reported.
New passenger services and junction overhauls are included in the measures Plans for a £3m extension to Glasgow’s Fastlink bus corridor have been unveiled, the Scottish Herald reported.
Stagecoach East Scotland has invested £3.12m in a fleet of new coaches for the company’s St Andrews to Edinburgh Xpress service.
New website forms part of an £11m investment in digital technology Stagecoach Bus has launched a new responsive revamped website which will let customers check live running times for their services and buy travel straight […]
Arriva and Stagecoach are to form a formal Bus Alliance with transport body Merseytravel which aims to grow the number of fare paying passengers, improve customer satisfaction and drive up investment.
A strike by Norfolk Green bus drivers was suspended at the 11th hour following a fresh pay offer from the Stagecoach-owned operator, the Lynn News has reported.
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