Thamesdown Transport has announced the results of the company’s latest passenger survey.
The independent survey, which was conducted in September, asks passengers to rate their travel experience as well as giving an insight into their reasons for using the bus.
This year’s survey was carried out by the TAS Partnership. Over 1,100 passengers were asked to complete a questionnaire on board Thamesdown’s busiest bus services during the third week of September 2015. Of those asked, 732 passengers completed the survey.
Overall, Thamesdown’s services were rated as either good or very good by 88% of those questioned. 82% of people said that the services were the same, better or much better than a year ago, with the reasons given as better frequency, punctuality, cleanliness, and friendlier drivers.
Public transport continues to be an important factor in employment and education in the town as when asked why people used the bus almost half (48%) of passengers said that it was in order to get to work or college. Swindon’s shops are also benefitting from regular bus use with 20% of passengers using the bus for shopping.
Passengers were positive about their experiences in travelling on Thamesdown buses, with 98% saying that they had a comfortable ride and 97% agreeing that the bus driver was friendly and polite.
When asked to rank their top three priorities for their bus service, frequency, reliability and convenience were highlighted as the most important.
Peter Oliver, Commercial Director at Thamesdown said: “Our satisfaction survey gives us a great insight into how our passengers feel about the service they are receiving. It also underlines that the bus service network is key in supporting the retail, employment and education centres in Swindon.
“Overall, our passengers are very satisfied with our services, but we will always listen carefully to their comments about areas for improvement. This year the most requested improvements are, quicker journey times more Sunday buses, better value for money fares and giving change. These we will try to factor into our future plans.”