Arriva Malta MD Richard Hall steps down
Richard Hall, MD of Arriva Malta, the third to hold the post in two years, is stepping down and is leaving the company. Mark Bowd is to assume the role. He has been in Malta […]
Richard Hall, MD of Arriva Malta, the third to hold the post in two years, is stepping down and is leaving the company. Mark Bowd is to assume the role. He has been in Malta […]
BSOG funding for non-commercial routes will be devolved to local authorities from January 2014 Transport Minister Norman Baker has confirmed local authorities are to be given greater control over the way money is spent on […]
First is set to finally close its remaining meagre operation in Northampton after the firm started a 30-day consultation with its staff.
Alexander Dennis has announced a sharp rise in turnover and profit thanks to a strong international sales performance.
Lothian Buses has released its annual reports and accounts for 2012.
Martin Griffiths says people, technology and customer service are the key in his first financial statement as CEO Stagecoach has released its preliminary results for the year ended April 30, 2013.
NORTH AMERICA Canadian bus manufacturer New Flyer Industries, based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, has acquired North American Bus Industries (NABI), of Anniston, Alabama, for $80m (US) from private investment firm Cerberus Capital Management LLP.
TURKEY Private Public Buses now offer an enhanced level of service, even in congested traffic, using advanced technology to increase public transport comfort in Diyarbakir in Southern Anatolia. As a providor of public service vehicles […]
SWEDEN Daimler AG is delivering 65 Setra MultiClass 400 series vehicles to the Kronoberg region of Sweden, its largest ever order from the Scandinavian country.
Trials show furthest range after one full charge of any electric bus POLAND After a two-week successful trial in Warsaw, BYD’s pure electric ebus has now started a trials programme in Poland’s second city – […]
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