Kings Coaches growth aided by Lombard and Natwest
Colchester-based Kings Coaches has marked the family-run firm’s 60th anniversary with the purchase of a new Van Hool TX16 Alicron.
Colchester-based Kings Coaches has marked the family-run firm’s 60th anniversary with the purchase of a new Van Hool TX16 Alicron.
Operators from across the UK were recognised for their service to National Express at the company’s annual award ceremony.
Bakers Coaches of Biddulph has secured a prestigious contract working with Hino Travel – a UKbased agency co-ordinating travel plans for Chinese tourists, covering a range of holiday destinations, throughout Britain and Europe.
London family-run operator replacing majority of its fleet with new vehicles London-based coach firm Anderson Travel is celebrating its 25th year in business. The company started in 1988 with one coach, which MD Mark Anderson […]
Stagecoach has announced a multi-million-pound investment in a nationwide Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system for its 7,000- strong provincial bus fleet in the UK.
First Aberdeen has unveiled 23 new ADL Enviro 300s which went into service on July 1.
Kimes of Folkingham is to close next month, the firm’s parent company Centrebus has confirmed.
Scottish Borders Council (SBC) has made emergency route cover arrangements after Munro’s of Jedburgh ceased trading.
This latest deal between the operator and the transport authority aims to build on previous partnerships National Express West Midlands (NXWM) and Centro have signed a two-year £81m partnership agreement, dubbed Partnership Plus, which aims […]
Brighton & Hove and the provincial operations of Crawley-based Metrobus are to merge – it has been officially confirmed. The TfL work run by Metrobus is set to come under the management of Go-Ahead London.
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